Conference presentations, lectures, teaching and training.
Lectures are organized by a reverse chronological order. Feel free to use these - without distortion and acknowledging the source and the author's copyright!
8 February 2017
Talk at the IR and PolSci doctoral seminar
University of Zagreb, 9 December 2016
Free riding instead of solidarity: an attempt to interpret Hungary’s (anti)refugee policy in the frame of global and regional suggestions for responsibility sharing
School of Law “Constitutional Dimensions of the Refugee Crisis” German Law Journal Special Issue — Panel Discussion 28 November 2016
Hungarian asylum law and policy in 2015–2016: securitization instead of loyal cooperation
CEU Center for European Neighbourhood Policy Studies – Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Budapest, CEU, 10 October 2016
The quota referendum and the road to it.
Workshop organised by the Hungarian Europe Society and supported by the CEU Center for European Neighborhood Studies and the Friedrich Naumann Stiftung für die Freiheit
Keynote speech, delivered on 30 May 2016
9 September 2016 Forum 4
The Refugee Law Crisis (from minute 50 approx.)
"Asylrecht und Asylpolitik in der Europäischen Union – ungarisch-deutsche Perspektive." Symposion Talk delivered on 17 May 2016
The law is only the emperor's clothes: but what should be in his heart and mind? Reasons for protecting refugees
14 May 2016
Creating parallel realities: the Hungarian government's efforts to replace protection by denial, deterrence and punishment
Budapest, Talk delivered on 10 May 2016.
Divergent parallels: Hungary's Refugee Policy in Light of the EU Efforts
Juridicum, Section for International Law and International Relations 14 March 2016
Pioneer of the wrong cause. Hungary’s refugee policy 2015-2016
Vertrauen in unsicheren Zeiten. Optionen für die Zukunft 10 - 12 March 2016. Talk delivered on 12 March
The EU member states and the refugee. Who should (not) trust the other? A view from the shadow of the razor-fence
Oxford, UK "Destination Europe" Public Seminar series, 2016 Hilary Term 17 February 2016
Fencing off reality: Hungary's reactions to the arrival of refugees and their interpretation in a European legal, political and moral context
Refugee Law Reader Course: "Promoting effective refugee law education in the CIS+ region" (Organised together with the Hungarian Helsinki Committee and UNHCR's Global Learning Centre). Delivered on 2 and 3 February 2016.
1. Is the 1951 Geneva Convention still relevant?
Institute for International Conflict Resolution and Reconstruction (IICRR) and Trócaire "Forced to flee: conflict in Syria and the movement of people" conference 18 November 2015.
Securitisation, schizophrenia. Hungary’s unfortunate parting with reality
Prague, Faculty of Law "Refugee crisis and the Czech Republic" conference 12 November 2015
From freedom of movement to deterrence, obstruction, punishment and free riding/breach of law
Response and Coordination Workshop organised by Basmeh &Zeitononeh and the Syrian Civil Coalition Istanbul, 17 October 2015
Elements of EU asylum law with special relevance to Syrian refugees
Panel contrbution at the event: A Failure of Policy, Law or Humanity? Syria, Hungary, and Beyond
Thoughts on the role of law
17 September 2015
The fundamental facts and concepts
Odysseus Summer school
ULB „European Union Policy and Law on Immigration and Asylum”, Brussels, 1 July 2015
The European definition of refugee and subsidiary protection status
Global Policy Academy Migration Policy in a European Context, 2 June 2015
1. Fundamentals related to refugees. History, oder of magnitudes, fundamental concepts
"Open lecture", 24 April 2015.
Why to protect refugees?
ELTE, Humanitarian Action in the European Union course
Refugee protection in the EU. (Brief overview)
lectures delivered as Erasmus scholar at the Mykolas Römeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania
1. Why are treaties binding and why to comply with them
EMN Educational Seminar „Forced Migration – Causes and Possible Solutions“
19 August 2014 Bratislava
ECRE regional workshop „Actors of Protection and Internal Protection Alternative in an Evolving European Asylum Framework”
Budapest, 12 May 2014
Lectures delivered and PFUR on 16 - 17 April 2014
1. European refugee law. The institutional and legal framework
Lectures delivered at MGIMO. Moscow, May 2013
1. The institutional and legal framework of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
Vienna University, Department of European, International and Comparative Law
Budapest – Vienna Joint Meeting of the International Law Departments. 29. April 2013.
Geneva Center for Security Policy
January 2013.