Conference presentations, lectures, teaching and training.
Lectures are organized by a reverse chronological order. Feel free to use these - without distortion and acknowledging the source and the author's copyright!
9th EMN Educational Seminar on Migration Bratislava.
Presentation on 4 July 2023
Geneva Graduate Institute Of International And Development Studies
The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: Progress, Challenges and the Way Forward to a Principled Implementation 24-25 November 2022
Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest Gabčikovo–Nagymaros Project Case Judgment – 25 Years Later 23 September 2022
Buds to blossom later. The EIA, the precautionary principle, and future generations in the Gabčikovo-Nagymaros case and thereafter
CEU World Wide Climate Justice Teach-In
31 March 2022, Vienna
Climate refugees: the borderlands of climate justice and law
Download PDFClimate refugees: the borderlands of climate justice and law
International Aassociation for the Study of Forced Migration Conference IASFM 18
„Disrupting Theory, Unsettling Practice: Towards Transformative Forced Migration Scholarship and Policy”. In the panel: „A Systems Approach to Refugee Movement and Politics” July 28, „University of Ghana, Accra” (Selivered online)
Deviance within the system: How the Visegrad countries impact refugee protection within the EU
Kazan Federal University, VIII. Summer School on Human Rights "Youth engagement for Human Rights"
Online presentation on 1 July 2021
Law and Society Association, 2021 Annual Meeting „Crisis, Healing & Re-Imagining” „Chicago”
Talk in the panel: Who is the Crimmigrant Other? Cross-National Conversations on Border Criminology
Othering the asylum seeker, maiming the self. How Hungary destroys the rule of law while securitising the asylum seekers' arrival
Uppsala University, Faculty of Law
"Democracy and Human Rights in European Context" Guest talk in Prof Rebecca Stern's Course, 23 February 2021
Presented online
Worse can always come. Reflections on the elimination of the rule of law and of asylum law in Hungary
Charles University
Prague 70th anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights 27 November 2020
Tango by estranged partners. The relationship of the ECtHR and Hungary in asylum matters
Uppsala University
Forum on Democracy, Peace and Justice Webinar, 26 October 2020
Rule by Law. Migration and the Abuse of Power in Hungary. Disfiguring the rule of law, the public discourse, the body politic and the refugee
delivered onlne on 4 September 2020
Non-refoulement and the EU in 2020
Gothenburg University webinar
6 May 2020 Getting it right? Covid19 restrictions and human rights
The virus and the sick democracy
The Future of Europe as a Place of Refuge
Organised by the Charles University, the Odysseus Network, the European Society of International Law and UNHCR Prague, Charles University Talk delivered on 5 December 2019
The moral irrelevance of geographic proximity in the protection of refugees
“Impacts and Opportunities of International Migration” organised by IOM and others, Bratislava, 20 August 2019
Migrants’ human rights and their vulnerabilities
German and European Migration Policy – Putting Human Rights to the Test Stuttgart-Hohenheim, 25-27 January 2019
Without a common denominator The mutually exclusive expectations of the EU, Hungary and the other Visegrad countries with regard to asylum Delivered on 26 January
Budapest, 10 November 2018
Justice and responsibility sharing globally and within the EU
Faculty of Law
Commencement speech delivered on 28 September 2018 at the graduation ceremony of the LLM program in International Law of the Vienna University
Budapest Coordination meeting on integration 26 September 2018
The triple block to integration of refugees in Hungary and the tools to remove them
Delivered on 11 September 2018
Legal and political responses to the refugee (law) crisis in the Visegrad countries
"The National and the Transnational" 5 July 2018
Migration - Open Borders - International Legal Frames
"Introduction to EU Asylum and Migration Law Two lectures, delivered on 10 May 2018:
The Qualification and the Procedures Directive
Harvard Law School
Conference: "Europe & the US: Isolationism Frist?" delivered on 6 April 2018
"Message to the Europeans 3.0" Preliminary meeting, 2 March 2018
Thoughts on responsibility- and burden-sharing within the EU
„Symposium on Refugee Rights and Record”, 10 January 2018
A non-European in Central Europe: Hungary
Presentation, delivered on 28 November
Denial and defection The Visegrad countries and asylum in Europe, with a special emphasis on Hungary
Yekaterinburg V. Summer school of human rights of the consortium of Russian universities “Social vulnerability: modern challenges and international protection” Lecture delivered on 28 June 2017:
European Asylum Law: a Bird's Eye View
"Asylum at the Frontiers of Europe. Realities and Legal Challenges" Conference Presented on 11 May 2017.
From reluctance to total denial. Asylum policy in Hungary 2015 -2017
Moscow, 2017 April 24-26
1. Fundamentals of the EU structure and of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justce. Orders of Magnitude of forced migration
Panel on Migration and Asylum Expert Meeting on Border and Migration Management in Emergency Situations Hungarian Ministry of the Interior, Budapest, Talk delivered on 23 March 2017
Crisis or not? Adequate response or not? The EU in 2015-2017
Borderline decisions 9 March 2017
Rolling back the rule of law - Hungarian border policy and practice
Budapest Semester - guest lectures on international and European asylum law, 3 and 17 March 2017
Lecture 1: History, orders of magnitudes, fundamental concepts