Conference presentations, lectures, teaching and training.
Lectures are organized by a reverse chronological order. Feel free to use these - without distortion and acknowledging the source and the author's copyright!
X. National session and training of the European Migration Network Hungarian Chapter
Budapest, 17. October 2012.
Legal Research Network Summer School 2012
“The Impact of International Instruments on National and European Law” Budapest, 17-19. September 2012.
12 Berliner Symposium zum Flüchtlingsschutz Berlin, 18. June 2012.
Overview of the Hungarian refugee situation with special emphasis on the consequences of the Dublin system.
CEU. Budapest, Winter of 2012.
1. History, order of magnitudes
CEU. Budapest, Spring of 2011
1. The institutional framework of the EU
Advanced training course on European asylum law and practice Knowledge-Based Harmonisation of European Asylum Practices
A project of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee co-financed by the European Commission Budapest, 14. September 2011
Awareness Raising Seminar on Contemporary Humanitarian Issues: Humanitarian Action and Foreign Policy. Budapest, 10. May 2011.
UNHCR: Border Management and Protection of Refugees Conference
Budapest, 24. November 2010.
MGIMO - Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) European Studies Institute
1. October 2010.
Max Planck Insitute für ausländisches öffentiliches Recht und Völkerrecht
Heidelberg, 20. July 2010.
ODYSSEUS Network. Certificate Program in European law on immigration and asylum, 2010 –2011 The presentations are divided into four units, as they were taught.
1, Fundamental concepts - historic development before 1918;
(Power point lecture, delivered on 1 October 2009)
Fourth Cuenca Colloquium on International Refugee Protection: The Common European Asylum System Phase II
Rights of Future Generations — International Conference of the Eötvös-Loránd-University, Budapest on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Co-organiser: Institute for Legal Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Budapest, 28-29. November 2008.
"Harmonizing Turkish Asylum Policy and Accession to the EU: Bottlenecks, Challenges and Prospects" - conference co-organized by the Center of Europeans Studies of Boğaziçi University and Middle East Technical University and the Ankara Branch Office of UNHCR Istanbul
Istanbul, 5-6. May 2006.
Hungarian Youth Atlantic Council
Moving frontiers - Common Approach to Transborder Threats in Central Europe 25. February 2006.
International Association of Refugee Law Judges European Chapter Workshop
Budapest, 2005. november 3 -5.
Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Dual nationality as a legal problem - conference. Budapest, 3. October 2005.
Hungarian Parliament
Roundtable: „Forms of citizenship and the right to freedom of travel in Europe” Budapest, 28-30 July 2005
HRSI evening 20. October 2004.
Nordic Refugee Seminar
"Current Trends in Refugee Politics: Global and Regional Developments - National Implementation" conference Oslo, 2004. march 18.
Rechtsakademie, Universität "Internationales, europäisches und österreichisches Asyl- und Flüchtlingsrecht" - conference. Salzburg, 2003 october 17-18.
"Rights of Future Generations" workshop
31. January 2003.